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Join us as we team up with Darrin Siefken of Crawdaddy Outdoors and paddle an area river. Trips start at 8 am at a TBE  (To-Be-Emailed) meet-up location, and end by 4 pm at a TBE point on the river. All the shuttling logistics of kayaks and vehicles is handled by Crawdaddy, all the muscle-loosening and grounding guidance is provided by Nature Force Works.

Never kayaked? Cool! Never did yoga? Excellent! It's a great time for both beginners and anyone already well-connected on the water and the mat (do not bring a yoga mat, btw). Connect with people of shared interest in nature, get grounded in what matters, feel awesome.

It looks like this: a short centering yoga practice, some kayak instructions, kayak for a while, break, do a paddler-specific yoga practice, eat a sack lunch, and kayak some more - all among friends.

Bring a lot of water (3 bottles), a sack lunch, a beach towel for yoga, sunscreen, bug spray, and wear sunglasses, and a hat is always good.
Specific meet-up location will be emailed the Friday before the trip.
All ages and experience levels of paddling and yoga are welcome.

Allow 8 hours, $35 for trip with your own kayak, $45 for trip with kayak provided by Crawdaddy Outdoors.

Let's connect and have some fun!

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